15,215 - The number of women serving their communities through the National Association of Junior Auxiliaries.
279,613 - The number of service hours Junior Auxiliary members worked in their communities in 2010-11. $2,680,949 - The amount of money Junior Auxiliaries invested in eight southeastern states in 2010-11. Return on that investment - priceless. The hard work goes on year-round, but during the first week of April each year, the Junior Auxiliary of Tate – Panola pauses to say thanks to the community for another great year. A year packed with service to families and children through approximately 15 service projects per year that include everything from school supplies collection to Valentines' for those living at the Nursing Home. JA of Tate-Panola has 10 members who each donate 50 hours every year to the chapter's various projects. The chapter raises funds each year through different fundraising projects, such as Butter Braid sales and this year's upcoming Fashion Show on April 21. "This is such an exciting week for us, because it gives us a chance to thank all of the citizens of Tate County and the North Panola area for supporting us in this work, and to recognize our wonderful corporate sponsors who finance these projects," Emily Johnson, current chapter president, said. "The families and children we serve are so deserving and thankful for this assistance, and none of that would be possible without the support of the entire community." Junior Auxiliary has a rich history of service, and the Junior Auxiliary of Tate Panola, is carrying on that tradition. This Chapter embraces the founding principles of our national organization, “helping children and making a difference in their lives,” said Charlotte Seals, NAJA President. Tate - Panola is a part of the National Association of Junior Auxiliaries (NAJA), a non-profit organization founded in 1941 with headquarters in Greenville, MS. NAJA has more than 15,000 active, associate, and life members in 101chapters in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee and Texas. The NAJA slogan is “Care Today – Character Tomorrow” and when teamed with the current focus of the Association, Junior Auxiliary Chapters are working more than ever before to increase awareness of child health and welfare and how it affects their futures. For more information, or to make a tax deductible donation to JA of Tate - Panola, visit its website at www.jatatepanola.org, e-mail [email protected], or call Emily Johnson at 662-609-4950. For more information on NAJA, visit www.najanet.org or call (662) 332-3000.